We had a lot of baptisms this weekend including a very influential family in the Tupungato area. We are very excited about that and we saw some big miracles this week to make that happen. It´s amazing to see the work taking off here. We had transfer calls last night and I´ll be staying as well as Elder Egbert. Elder Egbert has been here for 4 transfers already so I´ll probably only have 6 weeks (the time of a transfer) left with him. We are very good at keeping our spirits high especially during the harder times like the siesta hours. I´ll be here for at least 3 more months and I´m very happy about that.
I have some really bad blisters on the rims of my heels so hopefully those will callous soon because they are getting pretty painful.
I hear music from the states pretty often here - like right now some Coldplay is playing in the internet cafe but the other day I heard something very out of place. We were walking through the park in centro and some teens were drinking wine and listening to Sweet Home Alabama. It was pretty awesome. I have to admit I started walking a little slower to get my fill and take in the moment.
Like I have said before.. the church here is very young and there are a lot of things that they don´t quite have down yet. If you are a male, have a calling, and are relatively active, they will call you "President" instead of "Brother" when they address you in church.. it´s kind of funny but we want to make sure they know. We emphasize the "brother" whenever it is needed.
Two things that I have really found uplifting this week:
1. Reading the Book of Mormon in another language is really bringing it to life! I have never learned so much from it.
2. The moments that keep me going from day to day are finding out the our investigators are keeping commitments. It really is amazing to hear how the Gospel is changing their lives for the better. But the only way it can happen is if they are keeping commitments that we leave with them.
Live is good here and I´m excited to be here in Tupe Town (Tupungato) for the next few months. I started calling it that when I got here and it has caught on :) Even the missionaries in the mission office call it that... I might have started something that won´t stop. Kind of like what Elder Egbert and I are doing with the missionary work here. Love you all!
- Elder Rainock